
Sales Without Website: 1

No website? No problem. Here’s a quick one strategy tutorial if you don’t have a website. Watch more strategies in previous and next sections.

ليس لديك موقع؟ لا مشكلة. فيما يلي برنامج تعليمي سريع حول الإستراتيجية إذا لم يكن لديك موقع ويب. شاهد المزيد من الاستراتيجيات في الكورس الكامل.

Register Now in The Complete Facebook & Instagram Ads Course

سجل الآن في الدورة الكاملة لتعلم الإعلانات المتطورة لفيسبوك و أنستاجرم

  • Course Introduction
    • Welcome to Your Dashboard
  • What are Facebook Ads? (Facebook & Instagram)
    • What are Facebook Ads and Why Should You Use Them?
    • How does the Facebook Ads Auction Work?
    • Quiz
  • Starting with Facebook Ads Manager 
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Boost button vs ads manager
    • Getting Started with Ads Manager
    • Ads Manager Structure
    • Quiz
  • Different Types of Ads Campaigns
    • What’s in this Section? (1min) 
    • Overview: Theory VS Practical Advice
    • Awareness
    • Traffic
    • Engagement – Messages
    • Engagement – Post
    • Leads
    • Sales
    • Quiz
    • Your Feedback & Questions
  • The Pixel & Business Manager
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • What is the Pixel?
    • Business Manager & Pixel Setup
    • Events Tracking Setup
    • Quiz
  • IOS14 Conversion Tracking
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • IOS14 Overview
    • Domain Verification
    • Aggregated Events
  • Conversion Objective
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Audience Objective Segmentation
    • Campaign Setup
    • Quiz
  • Digital Marketing Metrics (CPM, CTR..)
    • What’s in this Section?  (1min)
    • Metrics Abbreviation & Explanation
    • Table Customization
    • Quiz
  • Ad Creatives Production
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Creative Production Options
    • User Generated Content (UGC)
    • Canva
    • Professional Production 
  • Ad Level Creatives
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Ads Creatives Types
    • Creatives by Placements
    •  Copywriting Best Practices
    • Writing an ad example 
    • Finding Winning & Competitors’ Ads
    • Easy Creatives to Start With
    • Meta Ads Policies
    • Quiz
  • Audiences and Targeting
    • What’s in this Section? (1min) 
    • Best practices (Size, Budget, Interests) 
    • Tips and tricks 
    • Placements
    • Quiz
  • Retargeting & Custom Audiences
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Retargeting & Marketing Funnel
    • Custom Audiences Retargeting
    • Lookalike Audiences
    • Spy On Competitors’ Targeting
    • Quiz
  • Campaign Example Sum Up A-Z
    • Objective/Targeting/Budget/Placement/Creative
  • Facebook & Instagram Shops
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • What are shops?
    • Quick Tip
    • Shops Setup
    • Adding Products to Shop
    • Important Notes
    • Automatic Website Syncing
    • Quiz
  • Catalogue Ads / Dynamic Ads
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • What are Catalog Ads?
    • Product Catalog Retargeting Ads
    • Product Catalog Discovery Ads
  • Marketing Key Points
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Overall Marketing Strategies (the 4PS)
    • Winning Product Checklist
    • Average Order Value (AOV) & CLV 
    • Quizz
  • Ads Strategies
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Creatives Testing Phase
    • Instagram Followers Growth
    • Instagram Followers Growth Advanced Trick (NEW)
    • Facebook Page Likes
    • Sales Without Website: 2
    • Instagram Post Likes
    • Website Purchase Conversion
    • Specific Small Audience Strategy
    • Reach 1 Million People: Broad Offer (NEW)
    • Lookalikes Strategy
    • Carpet Bomb Strategy
    • Target your Instagram Followers (NEW)
    • The Low Budget Strategy
    • High Ticket Products/Services (NEW)
    • The “Chad” Targeting
  • Data Analysis & Optimization
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • Ads Testing Part 1
    • Ads Testing Part 2
    • Ads Table Customization
    • Live Campaign Analysis (Conversions)
    • Live Campaign Analysis (Messages & Catalog)
    • Live Campaign Analysis (UAE)
    • Spotting and Fixing Problems
    • Importance of a Website
    • High CPM = Bad Ad? Ads Costs Variations
    • Audience Size/Budget/Days Analysis Notes
  • Scaling Results and Sales 
    • What’s in the Section? (1min)
    • ABO VS CBO (Advantage Campaign Budget) 
    • Vertical Scaling
    • Horizontal Scaling
    • Quiz
  • Advanced Google Analytics Tracking
    • What’s in this Section? (1min)
    • GA Ads UTM Tracking
  • International Facebook Ads Guidelines
    • International Ads Style/Language/Budget/Margins..
    • Quiz
  • Frequently Asked Questions (New Section)
    • Dark Post VS Existing Post
    • What do I get charged for?
    • Naming Campaigns Format
    • Domain Verification Note
  • Congratualtions!
    • Congratulations. Course Completed and Feedback.
  • Next Steps: What should you do now?
    • Own Business / Career Growth
    • Complete Courses & Affiliate Marketing
  • Certificate
    • Your Certificate of Achievement
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